Thursday, March 8, 2012

Let's Go Beat Up A Woman!

Yeah, let's go beat up a woman! Yep, you heard me, let's go beat up a woman.  They are doing it all over the South.  In many states (primarily of the Southern persuasion and who are also among the poorest and least educated in the country) they are beating up women by launching relentless attacks on their reproduction rights and healthcare.   They are feverishly chipping away at Roe v. Wade by attaching all kinds of restrictions on reproductive care such as no late term abortions or abortions after 5 months  (which, I think, is a viable compromise considering the intensity of the issue) to taxing women who take advantage of abortions to forcing them to view the ultrasounds and 24-72 hour waiting periods for abortions and "anti-abortion consutlations".  This is actually rather cunning and clever, qualities usually associations with Republicans.  Rather than attach Roe v. Wade directly they are going in through the back door as it were, using the "rights" of the State to regulate its citizenry, over the

At the same time they throw still more punches at women by preventing them for obtaining insurance and/or insurance through employers (objections coming from...where else but "religious" folk) which cover reproductive health, including contraception.  They also do not want young girls understanding reproductive health or have access to contraception so they block sex education in secondary schools.

This faction apparently prefer their women barefoot and pregnant, at home taking care of the chilin's.  Somehow they did not get the memo that women have come a long way and are perfectly capable of deciding for themselves what they wish to do when they become pregnant.   Anti-abortion folk seem to think when a woman chooses abortion she does so lightly and without any susceptibility to emotional pain or a whit of morality.  For many women there is a grievous amount of emotional pain over terminating a pregnancy, which does not go away with the fetus, but trails them most of their lives.  They make a decision they feel is right for them, a decision they must live with for the rest of their days.  As far as I am concerned that is a sort of purgatory which cannot be escaped.   Just as each of us must one day answer for the way we spent our energy during incarnation, so too must these women account for their decision.  Abortion is between a woman and her God.

For those who believe otherwise, where are they when the child is born?  How much money per month are they contributing to the welfare of the child?  Have they opened or promised  their hearts and homes to these unborn?  What kind of funds have they set aside for the education of the child?  How much and to what degree are they willing to be responsible for the child?  They believe they have the authority to dictate the decision that a woman can make regarding her reproduction health and welfare so why are these people not volunteering to save these unborn by taking them into their charge and care, if they are so concerned?

This issue of pro-life, abstinence only education, no access to contraception can be lumped into the same category as gay rights.  They are judgment calls, efforts by zealots to gain control over the behavior and constitution of their fellow men whom they believe are morality and ethically bankrupt.  The majority of these people come from "The Heartland" of America, vast spaces of the American landscape devoid of culture and personality.  They eschew the "refinements of society" and progress because, in a sense, they consider them a pathway  to  Sodom and Gomorrah.  But were they more astute they would understand progress is the path of life itself.  As Gibran says in The Prophet, "life moves forward, not backward, nor tarries with yesterday."  Progress brought us the printing press, the Enlightenment and the Reformation; progress brought us untold medical and scientific advances; progress has made our government more equitable, just and representative; progress has brought our world closer together (if only from the standpoints of communications;  progress is inevitable and necessary.  Without it we would still be groping around in the Dark Ages

Women are fighting back but they need more help, more help from the sane folks in the rest of the country.  The anti-abortion faction wants to wield the power of government when it comes to abortion but they want to deny the power of government when it comes to gun control;  they want to deny the power of government when it comes to government itself  and taxation;  they want to deny the power of government in the life of the individual. So much inconsistency.  But such is the case with insanity.
anti-abortion proposals by state, be sure to read the comments.
effect of anti-abortion laws in question
states by anti-abortion, pro-abortion.
  a brief history of abortion in the 
late terms bans and fetal based on fetal pain assertions

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